My dear friend Z is travelling in Asia and wanting to get some dresses copied. In particular a MIu Miu dress that she describes below.
“ANYWAY I need your help! I’m looking for a picture of a Miu Miu dress I saw in loads of mags last year but lost the tear. It was in LOADS of mags – last summer I think – Red I remember, and in Vogue India in January (!) – the Gauri Khan cover. Anyway I can’t find a pic of it and wonder if you know what’s a good website to look on as I can’t find it on or netaporter, or even if you have a pic of said dress. It’s strapless, prom shaped, made of different cuts of quite heavy fabric around the bodice, and then one fabric for the skirt. It’s pastelly in colour. It’s AMAZING. Does it spring to mind!?!?”
Ugh, no idea what she’s talking about. Any clues anyone? PS, the dress is pink, not red (as I first thought) – she saw it in RED magazine, but It’s PINK!
28 March, 2008 @ 12:29 pm
Is it this one…?
28 March, 2008 @ 12:32 pm
and again…
28 March, 2008 @ 10:29 pm
Could it be this blue dress here;
There was also a pink one which I remember was modelled by Laetitia Casta but I cant find a piccie of it anymore. I remember it vividly because I loved it sooooo much myself!
29 March, 2008 @ 8:35 am
check out you’ll find every past collection there.
29 March, 2008 @ 9:43 am
OK peeps, my friend Z was super-grateful to you guys! She checked out the links and also one I sent her from from AW 07 (Anonymous, if you type in it automatically takes you to so I think she tried that but was probably looking at the wrong season). She’s making her mind up now. Thank you!!
30 March, 2008 @ 6:45 pm
go to style.commmm they will help.
9 April, 2008 @ 10:20 am
THANKS SO MUCH for your help finding The Dress, I really appreciate it. In the end it was too tricksy for the Vietnamese tailor to copy, but I did get some lovely Chloe/Chanel/Marc Jacobs frocks ripped instead. Naughty. Zxxxx