Happy Friday
I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather recently so decided to give myself a day off last Friday and accompany D on a business trip (read record shopping) to Brighton. I thought a day out out of the rat race complete with some bracing sea air and a tasty fish-shaped lunch might cheer me up. And blow me, cheer me up it did! I didn’t really make much of a plan which I think was a good thing. I started off in Kensington Gardens where I went to the only shop I’d heard of, Snoopers Paradise, a kind of run-down vintage market that was actually mostly full of dusty tat with the odd gem – just how I like it! I found a wee cluster of geek badges, plenty of old telephones and typewriters, a caseful of crucifixes and a boxful of zips. Now if I were a Susie Bubble or a Kingdom of Style Michelle or Marie I would have snapped them up to fashion into some sort of choker/cuff/headpiece arrangement, but being lazy old me I just took a photo of them but bought the badges. I also spied some Margiela-tastic mens boots about 6 sizes too big for me. No matter, I still enjoyed the gentle pace of Brighton browsing with no pressure to buy. Following my market once-over I parked myself in a nearby caff for an hour to scarf a buttered teacake, catch up on some work and read Vogue. Bliss. After some light deckchair action on the seafront, I met up with D for a fab lunch of squid followed by lemon sole followed by a delicious oh- go-on-then posh rice pudding at Due South (‘the best seaside restaurant in Britain’ – Observer Food Monthly). To walk off the lunch the exploring/shopping/ambling continued and I came away with a Helmut Newton autobiography for £6 which I know is gonna be a top read, plus a 1920s mirrored tray that is going to go above the wash-basin in our bathroom. All in all, the perfect end to an imperfect week.
9 July, 2008 @ 12:22 am
Oh man I could make so many awesome things with those zips…
9 July, 2008 @ 10:31 am
Where exactly is this shop…. it looks like somewhere for me to take a gander me thinks….
9 July, 2008 @ 10:47 am
I bought the Helmut Newton bio for my husband a while back but apparently it’s not quite as exciting as it should be! I really like Brighton, always had some fun times there.
9 July, 2008 @ 2:04 pm
I read the Helmut Newton autobiography last year (strangely enough I also picked it up at an outdoor market/whatever type place).
It is a fucking delicious read, perfect for summer and it made me fall in love with him all over again.
(i felt like i had to curse because its helmut newton)
9 July, 2008 @ 4:33 pm
HA. “Any Jesus, ₤4 each.” Such a bargain.
9 July, 2008 @ 5:28 pm
Swoon, I love Brighton. My ultimate place to live; you got the beach, cool shops and bars. All I need is that million to net me a period house.
9 July, 2008 @ 7:18 pm
Susie B, it’s in Kensington Gardens in Brighton…only 5 mins from the station. I recommend it…
9 July, 2008 @ 8:07 pm
Awe i’m glad you’re feeling better! Did you go to Choccywoccydoodah? Heaven! I wonder how much those phones were, did you catch the price? Because they had them in portabello for £65 which I thought was rather extortionate! xx
9 July, 2008 @ 11:27 pm
Oh and I just passed on an award to you…
10 July, 2008 @ 1:52 pm
Those buttons are great!