Premio award
Lady Smaggle from Smaggle Style tagged me with a premio award, woo hoo! So I’ve got to pass it on to 7 bloggers. *Ponders*…
Laia from Geometric Sleep -Love the way she writes
July Stars– Love her taste
Sister Wolf from – Love her WTF opinions
Coco from Coco’s Tea Party -the only blog that can interest me in what celebs are wearing and one of the first ones I started reading
Sal from Already Pretty – funny and clever
Isabel from Hipster Musings? – Keeps me young and is neck-and-neck with another girl in a blogging competition and needs your votes. Go here… now!:
Jen from Mahalo Fashion – the longest posts ever, how does she find the time!
The rules for passing on the award:
1) When received, you may post the premio to your blog.
2) Link to the blogger you received it from.
3) Give it to 7 blogs
4)… link to those 7 blogs
5)…and leave those seven bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio.
10 July, 2008 @ 11:34 am
Oh la la la, what’s a “Premio award”????
10 July, 2008 @ 1:53 pm
Thanks very much! But yes, what is this an award for??
10 July, 2008 @ 4:56 pm
Hmm, good question. I don’t actually know but I’m quite happy to receive one! Anyone know what they are? Please reveal…
10 July, 2008 @ 6:02 pm
Thank you so much for the award. I like that I can get people a little more into what celebrities are wearing.
I wonder where this premio award started!
11 July, 2008 @ 2:31 am
ooh! thanks.
also the comments here are quite funny for some reason :)
11 July, 2008 @ 1:41 pm
Thanks, lady! I dug around a little and can’t find anything on this award. But just be of the peer-lovin variety, which is A-OK by me. Thanks again!
11 July, 2008 @ 3:00 pm
how lovely
11 July, 2008 @ 4:47 pm
Nice one!
11 July, 2008 @ 6:38 pm
Well done Rollergirl!! YIPEE!!!! xx