Perfect day

10.30am: Browsing in Jensen & Ballantine

11.30am: Cupcakes, tea and gossip at Lainey PR (highlights: Saloni’s perfectly pretty dresses and Felix Rey’s cream chainmail bag – below – landing at Fenwick this week)

12.30pm: Selfridges – stocking up on Moleskines for LFW and a nostalgic dash round the Artcore rave culture exhibition

1pm: Steak and chips with mummy at Black & Blue in Wigmore Street

4pm: Stealth snapping at Topshop (Headscarves, messy beehives and check shirts ago-go, and the “Chloe” boots have arrived!) followed by some gentle teen-stalking with photographer pal Annie (below)

6pm: Mojitos and brainstorming with designer friend Mark at Alphabet 

8pm: Lula and Another magazine on the tube home

830pm: Big pile of LFW show tickets/party invites

9pm: Chicken ‘a la Mexicana’ cooked by D

1130pm: Blogging and zzzzzz