WATCH THIS: Disneyrollergirl in ‘Style Xiu’ for Ebay China

Late last year, I spent a freeeezing morning filming this great video with NeochaEDGE – one of a series of three, produced to launch eBay Xiu in China. The videos, ‘Style Xiu’, followed a Chinese stylist, designer and blogger on their travels to London, Paris and New York, discovering style and fashion across the globe.

As a regular contributor to eBay UK’s Style Collective blog, this video features me being interviewed by the charming stylist and author, A Quiqui, in which we discuss London style, vintage finds and the joys of eBay shopping (obvs), surrounded by the creative chaos of Spitalfield’s excellent Thursday vintage market. My favourite thing about this video though, is the beautiful photography of London’s landmarks and scenery. Enjoy…