The wonders of Wimbledon

Lots of laughs were had yesterday at a special Wimbledon soiree to celebrate the Fred Perry Centenary. Yesterday would have been Fred’s actually birthday so the opportunity to quaff champers and special Pimms cocktails was grabbed with both hands. After a meet and greet we were given a Fred Perry behind-the-scenes Wimbledon tour where we got the chance to admire the posh new Centre Court roof and comfy padded seats – no more numb bums.

Then to the Wimbledon Museum for more drinks and canapes. (Canape of the day for me was the mini burger – not too bready and just-brown-enough meat with a dollop of ketchup. Perfection!)

Did you know there was a Wimbledon Museum? Me neither! But it was brilliant – lots of interactive stuff and great exhibits. Facinating fact no 1: Fred Perry invented the sweatband! Fascinating fact no 2: Fred Perry was originally a table-tennis champ!

After working the room and making friends with the buyers from Supra and American Pie, we watched a presentation and entertaining Q & A hosted by Andrew Castle (him off GMTV who used to be a tennis pro). And then the proper fun began. Dozens of well-lubricated journos, buyers and friends crammed onto two classic double-decker buses and trundled to Wimbledon Village (with a brief pause when one passenger was almost ejected from our bus for ringing the bell too many times -oops). We piled into the suitably tennis-themed Fox & Grapes pub which had been hired for the evening where more drinks were drunk and generous portions of fish & chips and sausage and mash were polished off. Tasty!

Finally, after much cooing over the goody bags (a copy of Jon Henderson’s Fred Perry biography, a set of Fred Perry pins and an a-mazing table tennis set), and foot-tapping to some old school ska, we declined a game of table-tennis with Fred Perry MD, John Flynn (the dapper gent with the glasses) and headed home. A top evening of sports, socialising and sartorial splendour was had by all – happy birthday Fred!