"The stockroom is going wild…"
“… with new SS09 deliveries!” emailed the PR for Feathers as she pinged over a whole heap of new-season jpegs for me to ogle. My eyes immediately zoomed in on this Dmitrios Dassios fringed bag. Just the thing to wear to my favourite reggae all-dayer on Sunday…
Interest suitably piqued, I logged on to his website to discover two more works of art. Beautiful, no?
27 January, 2009 @ 7:44 pm
those are AMAZING!
27 January, 2009 @ 8:59 pm
27 January, 2009 @ 9:38 pm
You are officially too cool for school!
BTW I only met James because he was going to help supervise my film making – he ran the photography studio at LCF.
28 January, 2009 @ 12:07 am
28 January, 2009 @ 1:11 pm
I like the colours and fringing on the middle bag.
Do you know where these will be available?
28 January, 2009 @ 4:32 pm
Glowing Doll, the top one is available at Feathers now. The middle one, I’m not sure who stocks it but I’m sure there’s an email address on the link to his site if you want to enquire…
29 January, 2009 @ 12:21 am
I love these!!!
29 January, 2009 @ 8:28 am
Very, very beautiful.
30 January, 2009 @ 8:28 pm
Wow, amazing. They really are works of art. Wouldn’t last a day in the life of my bags though, they get worn to shreds