Our last day dawned with clear skies and sunshine a-blazing. Amazing! D took himself for a walk with his camera while I started on the packing. The only thing I really wanted to do on this trip (apart from meet Liberty London Girl who alas, was at the shows in Paris) was to see the Joe Strummer mural in the East Village. Because of the weather we kept putting it off and I’m glad we did as it would have been zero fun in the rain. After checking out of our beloved Bowery, we took a cab to Tompkins Square Park and found the mural right next to it. It was smaller than I expected and some idiots had graffitied over parts of it but it was still great to see it. Good old Joe!
We spent the rest of the morning ambling and stopping for breakfast and then I took D to Central Park (via my favourite Robert Indiana LOVE sculpture on 6th Avenue) as he’d never been before. It was glorious and romantic just hanging out in the park in the September sun and writing our postcards home.
We’d deliberately not given ourselves a massive to-do list on this trip but I remembered that I’d wanted to look at the Colette/Gap store at 54th and 5th Avenue.
It was tiny! As there were only a few days to go (it closes tomorrow) most of the good stuff had been snapped up including the grey jersey Longchamp bag, the grey Alexis Mabille bowtie clutch and the Interview magazine T-shirt – all sold out pretty sharpish according to the saleslady.
There was still a lone pair of grey jersey Repettos (try wearing those when il pleut!) and a few graffitied Gap trenchcoats but thankfully I’d exhausted my appetite for spending. (If anyone’s interested, according to Fashionista, these V Magazine model T-shirts are on sale all weekend.)
We realised that we’d done all we’d planned to and still had a few hours spare so decided to grab a cab to Williamsburg as D wanted to check out ‘just one last’ record shop. Ah bless. After a chocolate milkshake at the Blackbird Parlour and a late lunch at Felix, our fabulous five days were soon over and we were haring it back to JFK.
5 October, 2008 @ 2:04 am
I was in a chippie in Clapham when I read about Strummer’s death. It was depressing. That mural is brilliant.
5 October, 2008 @ 3:40 am
I’m sorry I’m missing you!
8 October, 2008 @ 4:56 pm
I have so been craving a NYC trip and finding your blog and the dairy of your trip is only making my longing for a few bites of the big apple that much stronger!
9 October, 2008 @ 2:06 am
Got your note. Let me know the next time you’re coming over and I’ll go with you to the Louis Armstrong house.
10 October, 2008 @ 7:10 pm
the grey pumps are gorrrgeous!
13 October, 2008 @ 2:30 pm
I had no idea you were over there! The colette x gap prices are extortionate aren’t they??