Short shrift
Great commentary by Vanessa Friedman in the FT on the trend for fashion short films. At Cannes we have the Oliver Dahan (director of La Vie En Rose) six-minute Dior movie starring Marion Cotillard. The online-only short has a thin plot, looks suitably lush and of-course features lots and lots of lovely product. It follows on the heels of the Chanel No 5 internet film starring Audrey Tautou – another big budget ad dressed up as a film. There’s no doubting the films are beautiful but are the punters fooled that they are art rather than commerce? Read the article here for Friedman’s verdict.
28 May, 2009 @ 6:57 pm
i’ve seen both the dior and the chanel no. 5 movies, but i’ve got to say, the oliver peoples movie with zooey deschanel– directed by autumn de wilde– is FAR superior to either/both, in my humble (ahem) opinion.