Quote of the day
“It’s a duchesse satin stole, champagne, specially made. She’s not wrapped in something skimpy. She had her jeans on. She looked at the screen and loved the picture.”
Vanity Fair fashion and style director Michael Roberts gets in a tizz over the brouhaha surrounding Miley Cyrus and the ‘bedsheet’ scandal
1 May, 2008 @ 4:08 pm
Honestly, I was more alarmed by some of her spackled-with-makeup, 15-going-on-35 public appearances than I was by this photo. She looks less tarty than normal!
2 May, 2008 @ 12:07 am
I didn’t get all the controversy.
There are plenty of 15-year old models posing topless and loping down the runways in transparent clothes.
2 May, 2008 @ 4:32 am
The cynic in me says she knew exactly what was going on, it was planned.
The optimist in me wants to think she was just naive.
Either way, it’s out there, feeding her publicity machine. Well-played.
2 May, 2008 @ 4:52 pm
What is she complaining about…it’s a lovely pic…
Blue Floppy Hat
4 May, 2008 @ 10:48 am
This reminds me of nut job parents who fussed over kids learning ‘witchcraft’ out of Harry Potter. Some people need to get a life.
Too bad Miley Cyrus is too young or intimidated to know that she had nothing to apologise for. The photograph’s beautiful, and Wendy’s right- she does look less slapperish than usual here, not more..