On retro fashion and rave tunes
I went to this pop-up shop at the Wonder Room in Selfridges yesterday. The presentation was a bit sterile (you should’ve asked me to make a moodboard wall for you Selfridges!) but I did enjoy looking at the vintage magazines and a particularly nostalgia-inducing stripy Westwood suit from Rellik. The plaid and denim shirts from Beyond Retro ticked the grunge box but weren’t anything special. More my bag was a Hacienda Classics CD set, which made me go all tingly-spined and misty-eyed thinking of this. I may have to go back and buy it.
13 January, 2010 @ 3:00 pm
It's scary and sad to think that the Nineties are now vintage. Feels like yesterday.
13 January, 2010 @ 3:36 pm
The 90's are vintage? Haha I'm so old.
13 January, 2010 @ 7:13 pm
A major 'chune'…
Can't believe it was that long ago! x
14 January, 2010 @ 7:01 am
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14 January, 2010 @ 6:22 pm
The 90's ??? Ha! I grew up in the 80's darlings… how old do I feel? ;-)