Juicy Couture by Tim Walker
I know it’s wrong but I secretly like a little bit of Juicy Couture and this was one of my favourite campaigns from 2009 – it was plastered all over Bond Street tube. Balloons and factices do it for me every time.
I know it’s wrong but I secretly like a little bit of Juicy Couture and this was one of my favourite campaigns from 2009 – it was plastered all over Bond Street tube. Balloons and factices do it for me every time.
1 January, 2010 @ 11:19 pm
no it's not wrong.
I FREAKING LOVED THIS ADD. hehe, it's so rebellious and like out there. i have all three of those spreads plastered on my bedroom wall (as part of my inspiration/mood wall/board). really like your blog by the way!
jazz xox
– check mine out?
2 January, 2010 @ 10:45 am
I like a bit of JC too, still wear the tracksuits to doss around in on Sundays, so comfortable and want the Denim Jeggings on net-a-porter.
2 January, 2010 @ 12:33 pm
It's okay, I think everyone secretly has some Juicy love. Agree with the commenter above, it seems so rebellious (in a good way) for a brand with candy in its stores!
2 January, 2010 @ 3:18 pm
ohh ich liebe tim walker
2 January, 2010 @ 7:01 pm
It's not wrong! I really don't like their sweatpants and all that butthe campaigns are really quite cool!
Happy new year!
2 January, 2010 @ 9:44 pm
I adore Juicy Couture! It's kind of sweet or more innocent in a way (lol), but yes this ad is really kind of rebellious and creative.
10 January, 2010 @ 3:46 pm
i love it, it encourages you to be outrageous with styling at times and lighten up when i'm feeling serious and as though there are rules i should be following, though… juicy for me still reminds me a little of jordan and the velour trackie pant craze a few years back, not sure im ready to go back there yet x