"I’m not wearing that"
On the whole I love fashion although I’m more interested in the psychology of fashion and the aesthetic beauty of clothes than simply what’s in and what’s out and what some overexposed celebrity is wearing. But it has to be said, sometimes I despair at what designers expect us to wear. I know I don’t have to wear it but if everyone else wears it I do have to look at it. So I hereby present my top 5 ‘”Euwww, I’m not wearing that” list.
Number one: Chloe’s orthopaedic clown shoes.
Come on Paolo Melim Andersson you surely jest. This smacks of trying too hard and being ‘extra’ – ie shocking for the sake of it. Call me boring but I’m stubbornly sticking to my stack heeled boots.
Number two: Dolce & Gabbana’s metallic mini dresses
Ow my eyes! These foil frocks are the epoitome of Dolce & Gabbana’s vulgar, trashy style. Tacky tacky tacky. That’s all.
Number three: Versace’s body-con dresses
These were naff in the eighties and they’re naff now. There I’ve said it, so hate me.
Number two: Giles’ out-there knits
Am I the only one who doesn’t *get* Giles? I can see the boy has talent but he seems so hamfisted with all his collections. He clearly has ideas but I don’t think he executes them with finesse, he seems too keen to shock. I am really hating these comedy cardigans. They seem to serve no purpose other than to offend me. And what the hell is that poor girl wearing on her feet?
Number one: Prada’s entire collection
The plastic-y suits in vomit colours, the footless socks that flatter no-one and the teddy-fur outsize coats. Don’t even talk to me about the plastered-down hair! Emperor’s new clothes anyone?
Pics: www.vogue.co.uk
23 August, 2007 @ 9:06 pm
I couldn’t agree more. The Prada collection was simply hideous. I only like the socks.
23 August, 2007 @ 11:04 pm
I don’t get Giles either!
And as for Prada, this is her first collection in a long time where I haven’t wanted any. I can appreciate the technical innovation with the fabrics, etc, but it’s SO unwearable and unflattering even to the models, never mind mere mortals.
24 August, 2007 @ 3:34 am
I don’t really understand Giles either, I love knits and they can look uber awesome but that just seems to take it a tich too far.
Fab post <3!
24 August, 2007 @ 4:03 am
i love the inclusion of those boots on the chloe runway. i interpret them as a fashion version of doc martens, and i’ll stick with docs, thankyouverymuch, but these suit the occasion of the runway i think.
no comment on tinfoil dress, or versace – i’ve never seen runway clothing that looked… cheap.
omgd, giles featured the same footwear idea as rick owens. who have they been talking to? street dusters. a part of me really wants to try on that cardigan though. really really.
prada can do no wrong by me. i love her collection as a concept. i know, fashion is supposed to be wearable, but i could stick one of her looks in among my more wearable (and washable) stuff.
25 August, 2007 @ 9:45 am
Very nasty, at least we know that fshion designers have a sense of humor. Well lets hope they are being tongue in cheek.
25 August, 2007 @ 5:21 pm
Prada: wrong, wrong, wrong, And not even so wrong it’s good. Just plain bloody wrong.
Dolce: Bacofoil
But I love the Versace! I used to wear frocks like these when I was 16-18! (Sigh – FAR too busty/porky these days)
25 August, 2007 @ 6:51 pm
I love the Chloe boots but agree with on the rest. Oh and Editor, I’ve just ordered some 10 hole cherry red DM’s feel like I’m 16 again :o)
25 August, 2007 @ 6:51 pm
I love the Chloe boots but agree with on the rest. Oh and Editor, I’ve just ordered some 10 hole cherry red DM’s feel like I’m 16 again :o)
25 August, 2007 @ 6:51 pm
I love the Chloe boots but agree with on the rest. Oh and Editor, I’ve just ordered some 10 hole cherry red DM’s feel like I’m 16 again :o)
25 August, 2007 @ 6:51 pm
I love the Chloe boots but agree with on the rest. Oh and Editor, I’ve just ordered some 10 hole cherry red DM’s feel like I’m 16 again :o)
29 August, 2007 @ 10:50 am
I must say, I do rather like the Prada collection! The off colours just appeal to me!
29 August, 2007 @ 3:29 pm
Whoa… you just broke my heart on Dolce… ouch… call it whatever, but tacky???? Especially on Gisele…
29 August, 2007 @ 7:13 pm
I actually really like the Giles. I know its a little out there, but I would actually wear the scarfs. I saw the chunky knits in Vogue and Harpers Bazaar and found myself wondering where I could get yarn that chunky to knit one for myself.
30 August, 2007 @ 8:10 am
ooh nooo, I love Giles !
but totally agree with the rest
30 August, 2007 @ 8:10 am
ooh nooo, I love Giles !
but totally agree with the rest
30 August, 2007 @ 8:10 am
ooh nooo, I love Giles !
but totally agree with the rest
30 August, 2007 @ 8:10 am
ooh nooo, I love Giles !
but totally agree with the rest
19 September, 2008 @ 8:35 am
This comment isn’t strictly related to this discussion about fashion, it’s just an attempt to solve a dispute between my girlfriend and me. She’s Danish and I’m Italian, hence English isn’t our mother tongue, and we were discussing whether it was possible to use the adjective “trashy” simply as a synonym for “worthless, disgusting” also when dealing with clothes, or if in this context it was incontrovertibly associated to a kind of style that takes inspiration from the street, with torn fabrics, flashy colors, etc.
I’ll sum it up in a question: does rollergirl use “trashy” in this article meaning “street-like, deliberately, volountarily tacky” or rather just meaning “worthless and repulsive”, independently from what’s known as “trashy style”?
19 September, 2008 @ 7:10 pm
I mean it as “worthless and repulsive”!