I’m in 10 Mag and Grazia Daily!
So, imagine how shocked I was to pick up the new 10 Magazine and find my blog staring out at me from those thick, shiny-shiny pages? I knew a mention was going in, but I’d imagined a wee screen grab of the homepage, not an entire page and a mini-interview all to myself! It was part of a ten-page feature called Ten blogs/Twitters/mail-outs you should know and here are the ten in full:
Kate Loves Me
Lovely Pelayo’s blog with lots of pictures of himself (well if you look like he does, why not?) and a look at his fashion-faaaabulous life
Style Rookie
“She’s only 12” etc etc
Grazia Daily
They’ve given me props too! Group hug, yeah?
The Fashion Spot
Fashion-geek central
Karl Lagerfeld/Twitter
Always good for a soundbite…
Jacky Blue
A new one for me – just gorgeous
Style Salvage
Steve and EJ’s brilliant menswear blog. Nice one you guys!
Show Studio
Posh blog
Macho City (machocity @ googlemail.com)
Hilarious weekly email nonsense from Charlie Porter
2 May, 2009 @ 1:24 pm
2 May, 2009 @ 2:17 pm
: )
2 May, 2009 @ 4:07 pm
i saw that.. congratulations!
2 May, 2009 @ 10:00 pm
Well congratulations, good to see credit where it is due.
3 May, 2009 @ 3:53 am
Congrats to you!
3 May, 2009 @ 8:34 am
WOW! I had no idea you were such a big deal! You go, Rollergirl!
4 May, 2009 @ 9:44 pm
On a more serious note, it’s good to see bloggers getting the recognition they (we) deserve.
5 May, 2009 @ 10:15 am
Hurray! I can’t wait to pick up a copy. Congrats to all!
3 July, 2009 @ 9:24 am
That's a scary-ass magazine cover.