Portobello past it?
A nice jaunt to Portobello yesterday. Westbourne Grove swarming with Fulham type yuppies -there is even a Smythson at the posh end. Golborne Road by contrast was full of character and still a bit rough around the edges, like Portobello used to be in the eighties. First stop was Rellik to look at a Westwood top D had seen for me. Got talking to Steven who was most charming and insisted we visit on a Saturday morning at 10am when they pull out all the rare stuff. Oh yes! Yes! Yes! On to the furniture shops. I love Ollie (69 Golborne Road, W10) where there are just heaps of old broken mirrors, desks and chopper bikes all piled higgledy piggledy against each other – a complete treasure trove and not shockingly expensive either. I fell in love with this FiFi sign in another shop but I fear the neon sign has had its moment. Maybe I’ll reconsider.