Pen friends

Last Friday I happened upon an adorable new book called The Age Of Feminine Drawing. I started out in life wanting to be a fashion illustrator but what with one thing and another never fulfilled that ambition. This book reminded me of that bygone passion. There are pages and pages of whimsical, girlish and sometimes sexy sketches. Here are some of my favourites:
Jeffrey Fulvimari – This prolific illustrator has collaborated with top end designers including Louis Vuitton, Anna Sui and Helmut Lang and has a number of merchandising ranges including one called Bobbypin Girl. I actually met him once and he paid me the ultimate compliment by proclaiming me ‘a real live Bobbypin girl’. Ooh what a charmer!

I like the sketchiness of Australia-based Rebecca Wetzler’s illustrations. They make me think ‘I could do that’ (if I wasn’t so lazy).

Tina Berning makes drawing look so easy! These illustrations inspired me so much I went straight out and bought a Rotring pen (eek, £20!!!). Have I used it yet? Nope.
