More bloggers at LFW
Who knew there were so many bloggers at LFW? I couldn’t stop checking out these two unsmiling dudes at the Jaeger London show and in the end I had to ask them if I could get a photo (and I really hate doing that). They said yes and the inevitable ‘what do you do’ ensued. Turned out they are designers and one of them is Jaiden James whose blog I have commented on many a time. This blogging thing is making the world smaller by the minute and is almost (almost) freakin’ me out!
16 September, 2008 @ 2:16 am
You’ve got to love how blogging ties the world together.
16 September, 2008 @ 3:54 am
Hahaha! You can’t always judge by appearances, eh?
16 September, 2008 @ 6:59 am
Loving the who’s wearing what and now the bloggers are taking the world over post!
16 September, 2008 @ 10:26 pm
oh i saw them today.
17 September, 2008 @ 9:44 am
love the pic thanx 4 the comment guess i will be bumping into you some more over fashion week have fun xox
17 September, 2008 @ 9:54 am
What can I say, bloggers rock!!
20 September, 2008 @ 7:41 pm
omg! i saw these guys at basso & brooke. they're fierce! :)