Doing things differently
One of my regular bus routes has been on diversion for a few weeks causing great inconvenience at times, yet a welcome distraction at others. The diversion is due to a huge building site at ‘Scotch House Corner’, the corner of Knightsbridge where Burberry now stands, but which used to be a charming store called The Scotch House where you could buy all manner of Shetland, cashmere and tartanwear – how very this season! The irksome building work is down to the Candy Brothers, two infamous property developers who have razed that particular junction of Knightsbridge to the ground in order to erect their extravagant brand of luxe appartments, all at the inconvenience of we mere civilians (and no small number of tourists) trying to access Harvey Nichols, Sloane Street and the Royal Albert Hall.
Yet on the other hand – with a bit of forward planning – it’s quite nice going about business via a different route. My journey from Sloane Square to home takes me on a detour via Brompton Road where I can ogle the Skandium window displays and remind myself for the nth time that I really must pay the V&A shop museum a visit soon. I am also treated to the day-by-day development of the London Fashion Week tents in the grounds of the breathtaking Natural History Museum – is it me or do they seem to build the tents earlier every year?
Taking a different route to my appointments reminds me how easy it is to get stuck in old routines and it really is true that doing things differently makes you see life from another perspective. So much of our daily grind is governed for us, maybe we should pay more attention to what we do and why and take an active role in occassionally going against the grain. Who knows what you might discover?
3 September, 2008 @ 10:28 pm
Whoa! Story of my life! I was thinking last night that before bed routine is really long and set in stone. I brush, floss and mouth wash. I cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise. I take my pills and put conditioner in my hair. I was wondering if the world would collapse if I skipped my routine one night but I’m too scared to try it!
4 September, 2008 @ 12:09 am
So true and well said! I especially love walking rather than driving because you move at a slower pace and are able to notice so many more things. I’ve discovered some really cool little shops by walking and encountered interesting things.
4 September, 2008 @ 1:18 am
I remember the Scotch House, I used to shop there. I loved that place.
I can imagine that bus route now. I hope you’re enjoying the change, even though it can be a p.i.t.a. sometimes.
Oh how I miss London.
4 September, 2008 @ 9:54 am
You’ve reminded me why I keep avoiding Knightsbridge. I haven’t set foot there since January. It’s true you just get stuck in a rut. Admittedly I do walk along south bank, across Westminster then to Piccadilly to Oxford Street, which is quite a jaunt. When I’m fed up of fighting tourists I take the jubilee.
4 September, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
Hee. I’m such a creature of habit that it takes something like major construction to shake me loose from my routines. But you’re right: It gives fabulously fresh perspective.
4 September, 2008 @ 3:49 pm
You’re right about the tents, they do go up earlier every year …
4 September, 2008 @ 4:03 pm
Here's to taking paths less trodden and familiar!
Haha, the V&A shop is ever-enticing … I've been known to just nip in to pick up a gift (without so much as a glance at the museum). Bad birdy. xx
4 September, 2008 @ 4:45 pm
I hate that building site too… it’s a shame as the Mandarin Oriental is next to it and my boyf’s sis is getting married there soonish….
4 September, 2008 @ 7:00 pm
take some pics of these places…