Coming soon: Selfridges Shoe Galleries

Londoners are all a-twitter at the news of Selfridges’ new ‘Shoe Galleries‘. Much more than a bog standard shoe department, there are six ‘galleries’ surrounded by 11 boutiques and a hanging garden. The whole shebang combines to create a theatre of shoe shopping, just what’s needed in these dreary times.

The Shoe Galleries open on 16th September but to kick off the fun there is already a Vivienne Westwood shoe exhibition in the Ultra Lounge. And to create even more hullabaloo, Selfridges has launched an interactive online competition where you can win a year’s worth of shoes. To enter, just share the story of your favourite shoes and upload a picture if you have one. Mine are above. These are the Prada lip mules that I bought from Harrods more than ten years ago with a juicy pay cheque. I hate mules but I love the print on these and I bought them as a work of art, knowing they’d never even come out of the box. Get a load of those snazzy ‘Harrods green’ velvet shoe trees…
What are your favourite shoes?