Win stuff now!

If I wasn’t being whisked to Paris on a bloggers’ jolly, I’d pretty much definitely be hitting the V&A Village Fête this weekend. The action kicks off this evening (er like, now) and continues tomorrow arvo. My lovely jewellery-crafting buddy Leona from Lady Luck Rules OK and her team of creative cohorts are ramping things up on their stand with a giant game of Rock’n’Roll Tiddleywinks. What loons, I don’t even want to imagine the carnage.

There will also be the chance to win one of LLROK’s Rock’n’Roll Kitten necklaces (named after Leona’s punk kittens Dee Dee and Joey) which have been designed and handmade especially for the Fête.

BUT if you can’t make the Fête, you can still win a necklace – just enter this exclusive (er, I think) wee Disneyrollergirl competition by answering the following question:

If you could have any pet, what would it be and what famous superstar (dead or alive) would you name them after? 

Post your answer in the comments below and the necklace could be nuzzling against your clavicle in no time.
[Small print alert! Competition closes on Friday 31st July at midnight (British Summer Time). The Winner will be announced the following week.]
UPDATE: THE COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED>>>Don’t forget to check back here for the winner next Friday… 

FURTHER UPDATE>>> Here’s the winner