In search of perfection

Do you ever feel as if your life revolves around the contents of your wardrobe? That if you could only find that oh-so-elusive “perfect” blazer/white T-shirt/stack-heeled boot then your life would be complete? I’m not someone who goes crazy for trends, when I’m window-shopping I’m not thinking “I need florals” or “I must update my wardrobe with a super-clutch” because I’ve always had my thing going on and it revolves around classics. But therein lies the problem. When it comes to classics it’s all about the finer details. Even though I have a stack of stripy tops, umpteen pairs of skinny-straight jeans and more mens-style trousers than I care to count, there’s always that sneaky feeling that there must be an even better version out there that I don’t know about yet.

Boots are a bit of an ongoing obsession. I love a stack-heeled boot but I can’t wear high heels for every day. I can do a cuban heel but I don’t want an obvious cowboy boot. The iconic Dior Homme gold ankle boots have always appealed but with my miniscule 37s they weren’t available to me. Or so I thought. On my way to The Shop At Bluebird this week I spotted some not-bad looking replicas in a King’s Road shop window. The shop is one of those bizarre places that sells faux-punk Blondie T-shirts and the like, souped-up versions of what I used to buy from Kensington Market in my teens but it’s not a look that warrants an entire shopful of them these days. Picking my way through the screen-printed madness, in the depths of the shop I found a shelf of said boots all in mens sizes. On further investigation it transpires these are a new mens range from Terry de Havilland. De Havilland had his first round of success in the 60s when he was the go-to shoemaker for the likes of David and Angie Bowie. He enjoyed a mini-revival a few years ago when the Primrose Hill set took to his uber-wedges but has since disappeared under the radar. Well, now he’s back with this new range, Archie Eyebrows , a dandyish delight of patent, python-print and two-tone. The best bit? A womens range is due in April, so the female version of those perfect gold boots can at last be mine. Looks like I can call off the search…for now.

Pic: Dior Homme A/W 2005