The finer details

I’m a stickler for quality and for some reason that applies especially to the little things in life – like socks. Socks are important to me and there’s nothing worse than spending a fortune on a snazzy sock (fashion folk always refer to things in the singular) only for the heel to start whittling away by the third wear. Sonia by Sonia Rykiel gives good sock. The fit is just so, there’s ample stretch and they keep their shape well even after several cycles of the washing machine and dryer. And they look good too. My sock emporium of choice is Shop at Maison Bertaux. This is where I go for a cheap(ish) fash fix -Sonia socks are around the £12 mark – although I inevitably come out with some other unplanned-for purchase, how could I not when Madame also has the best pick of APC and Repetto this side of the Channel? Plus, last time I popped in I was not allowed to leave without one of her fabulously elegant tea sets, consisting of tea cup, saucer and cake plate (one can never have too many cake plates) …oh I was in chi-chi heaven! Anyway, I digress. My latest haul of Sonia socks is a riot of outsize polka dots and jazzy stripes. I’m wearing them with a crop jean and preppie loafers, or high heel faux-snake T-bars for special occasions.