
Looking back at ten years of Disneyrollergirl

2007, the year of the iPhone, and a new wee blog called Disneyrollergirl. Oh shit where did ten years just go?

Back in February 2007 I was living it up in the world of teen mags, those halcyon days when you had all the time in the world to plan and create and would wait days for your post-shoot contact sheets to arrive by courier. I would research online industry news from a little blog called Fashion Inc (an off shoot of now-defunct Conde Nast business site Portfolio, written by Lauren Goldstein Crowe) and read earnest fashion student musings on SHOWstudio forums (moderated by Penny Martin). (more…)

The New Garconne contributor: Vanessa Jackman

Vanessa Jackman La Borde Burgundy

I met photographer Vanessa Jackman years ago when I was still an anonyblogger. We were on a bloggers’ press trip to Paris, along with Mademoiselle Robot, Claire Healy (now deputy editor at Dazed) and several others. Since those early blog days, Vanessa has established herself as a photographer whose gentle street style images and lush travel photography are pure Pinterest-bait. (more…)

Long read: What will Fashion Week look like in the future?

what will fshion week look like in the future?

What is the future of fashion week? That’s the question that WWD is asking this week. The CFDA has instructed the Boston Consulting Group to research what fashion week might look like in the future, in light of the way social media has brought consumers into the equation.

It’s a conversation that many have been having for years now. Fashion shows used to be for press and buyers to evaluate the collections before planning their store buy or magazine features. The six month lead time would allow for designers to produce the clothes in time for them to hit the stores, and magazines to shoot their collections in tandem with their three month production schedules. The only people covering shows in real time would be newspapers.

But a number of things have changed in recent years to impact that. (more…)

Buy it now: British Beauty Blogger X Clinique for Latest In Beauty*

British Beauty Blogger Clinique beauty box for Latest In Beauty

Jane Cunningham at BritishBeautyBlogger is on fire at the moment! Every beauty box project she does seems to turn to gold and today sees the latest – a special collaboration with Clinique for Latest In Beauty. (more…)