Paninaro revisited
Much as I’m championing the nineties revival (I’ve given up moaning about revivals, I’ve realised they’re part and parcel of fashion these days), I’m not quite done with the 80s yet. On my radar right now? Paninaro. In the mid-eighties a trend emerged from Italy’s monied classes for expensive preppie-inspired casualwear. Liberto jeans, Timberland boots and colourful Moncler ski jackets of the highest quality and price were sported by men, women and teenagers alike. Jeans were worn tapered and cropped at the ankle (the better to show off the boots when riding their Vespa scooters) and outfits were accesssorised with Rayban Wayfarers or aviators and candy-hued Invicta backpacks.
The trend arose from affluent Milanese teens who hung out in sandwich bars, particularly a favourite hangout called Il Panino. So fascinated by this posh streetwear trend that they even made a record about it, the style-savvy Pet Shop Boys introduced the look to the UK in 1986 – you can see the video here. Moncler, makers of those unmissable puffy jackets, was taken over five years ago by Remo Ruffini and is once more highly desirable. Ruffini has enlisted the help of designers like Giambattista Valli and (pre-Valentino) Alessandra Facchinetti to consult on its highest-end Gamme Rouge line while every other designer store I passed on my recent trip to New York had a shiny-shiny black Moncler in the window.
21 October, 2008 @ 4:04 am
Those puffers blew my mind!
21 October, 2008 @ 5:58 am
hmm thanks for the history lesson. That’s the type of (recent) history i enjoy.
Not sure about the puffy jackets…i do like the shiny ness though.
21 October, 2008 @ 7:16 am
hmmm not sure about the third jacket it looks like a bubble wrap!!!LOL
I used to hate wearing those type of jackets when I was a teen in the late 90s, they were soooooo un-fashionable and the jacket that I had made me looked FAT!!!
Now that they’re on trend, it’s about time to dig out my old jacket I’d made back in the BTEC ND Fashion dayz…
21 October, 2008 @ 7:35 am
If I were a rich milanese then I’d be gliding down the dolomites in one of these and wearing it apres skiing whilst popping into Prada et al. Sadly I’m not….
21 October, 2008 @ 7:50 pm
Moncler is the Best !! cool blog ! but on your links i didnt saw
Maybe you don know us ?!
21 October, 2008 @ 8:35 pm
My mind is similarly blown. I missed this style the first time ’round, but those fabulously shiny puffers would be just the thing for the oncoming MN winter.
22 October, 2008 @ 2:27 pm
I remember the Paninaro trend so well, growing up in Luxembourg it took my entire school by storm!!! Love it!!!
24 October, 2008 @ 4:42 pm
See, at the beginning of the post you had me worried but the pictures have reaffirmed my faith in your judgement! They seem much shiner – and better structured than the ones I was surrounded by first time around. Still not sure I’d wear one but I’d be more open to the idea following this.
5 December, 2008 @ 1:09 am
Yep, it blew my mind too. I wouldn’t normally wear a puffer jacket but then I saw the Moncler range…
Have now had my Moncler Himalaya for a week and apart from looking good it gets me through the London cold!