Kurt Geiger at BT2 – my picks

I spent last Thursday in Dublin hosting a trend event at BT2, the little sister of Brown Thomas. What a lovely store it is! I was there primarily to talk about Kurt Geiger shoes but managed to have a sneaky mooch around the rest of the store. My verdict? COS, Maje and Equipment (three brands I like very much) are extremely popular with Dublin’s sartorial set, along with Surface To Air and Opening Ceremony (no surprises there).

Of course, my main focus was on the shoes and amongst all the statement heels and power platforms (yep, still going strong), I was relieved to see plenty of choice for wimps like me who quake at a 5-inch spike. Somehow these KG leopard print boots ended up going home with me. Oops…

KG bootees, dare I wear them like this?

Surface To Air lounge slippers

Sensible, flat Chloe-esque sandals

Garconne boots by Beaucoups

Love the intense colour of these KG espadrille wedges

Surprisingly walkable Opening Ceremony T-bars