Books etc: Kate Spade Contents
This is turning out to be quite the month for books. I have just opened my Ebay copy of Kate Spade’s ‘Contents’, a book I’ve wanted for years but is now out of print. The concept is simple; photos of the contents of people’s handbags follwed by the identity of the owner and a list of said contents at the back of the book. A voyeurs’s dream. Aside from the lovely unstyled quality of Dan Bibbs’ photos, it’s a telling historical study. These snaps were taken in the days before everyone had iPhones and BlackBerrys. Oh how things change – just look how many leather organsisers there are!


Another visual treat is Audrey Hepburn, International Cover Girl. This was a review copy that I was sent on spec. Now I like Audrey as much as the next person but I’m not obsessed so I expected a pretty nice coffee table book of the ten-a-penny variety. But actually no, the book is stuffed full of cover shoots from 1951-1993, most I’ve not seen before. Not only is it a great insight into Audrey and her many styles of eyebrow (count ’em) but it’s also a good opportunity to study magazine covers through the ages.

Another visual treat is Audrey Hepburn, International Cover Girl. This was a review copy that I was sent on spec. Now I like Audrey as much as the next person but I’m not obsessed so I expected a pretty nice coffee table book of the ten-a-penny variety. But actually no, the book is stuffed full of cover shoots from 1951-1993, most I’ve not seen before. Not only is it a great insight into Audrey and her many styles of eyebrow (count ’em) but it’s also a good opportunity to study magazine covers through the ages.

22 November, 2009 @ 9:56 am
Wow that book looks incredible! I'm searching for an Aussie friendly ebay copy right now.
22 November, 2009 @ 10:06 am
Two perfect books – love the contents of the bags.
22 November, 2009 @ 1:01 pm
Love the Post and Your Blog is Great!!!
22 November, 2009 @ 7:12 pm
That book sounds wonderful! I'm going to have a look for it online & add it to my Christmas list! It's the perfect book for a nosy person like me!
23 November, 2009 @ 9:46 am
I LOVE the look of that first book. When I was a kid I used to look forward to articles in Jackie magazine where they looked through peoples bags. Now I'm an adult I'm just as nosey :O)
23 November, 2009 @ 1:10 pm
You said it: a voyeur's dream. I love it.
23 November, 2009 @ 1:51 pm
Ooh I love peeking inside other people's handbags. What a simple but great idea for a book. Lx.
23 November, 2009 @ 2:55 pm
I want that book! Bx
23 November, 2009 @ 7:01 pm
omg i want the kate spade book! I love how the nurses bag is so incredibly chaotic, much like her work schedule I imagine, whilst the photographers is almost a minimal work of art in itself… LOL at the phones! x
24 November, 2009 @ 1:29 am
I know there's alot more here than just a pair of white wrap-around sunglasses, but that's what I keep returning to: Audrey Hepburn's white wrap-around sunglasses!
Thanks for sharing.
24 November, 2009 @ 11:17 am
oooh, I'd never heard of Contents before, it's really interesting! May have to add it to the Christmas wishlist
25 November, 2009 @ 9:56 am
Interesting how the artist's bag is the most sterile, don't you think?