Arm candy

I must be the biggest fan of LFW’s Timeline. This is the designated phoneline that you call to find out how late the shows are running and it’s a real lifesaver (OK, that’s a typical fashion exaggeration but you know what I mean) for journos and buyers alike.

I still call it the Timex Timeline as Timex were, I believe, the first sponsors of the Timeline back in 199-whatever. I do recall that each season, if you were on the right list (thankfully I was), you would be gifted a Timex watch when you rocked up to the stand. I used to ask for the mens version and regift it to my dear dad every season. And to this day I have his Timex watch hanging on a hook above my desk. (I’m still always late though. Erm, maybe I should replace the battery, it did run out about 6 years ago.)

This year the Timeline is sponsored by Blackberry who also have a natty app that gives you updates as well. Cool! But I still like to wear a proper watch and for that I think these Triwa ones are just lovely. How handsome is that tortoiseshell?